OCRA (Office of the Court Remote Access)

Case Information and Miscellaneous Records

George E. Schaefer, Clerk of the Norfolk Circuit Court is pleased to announce the availability of Criminal and Civil Case Files via a Secure Access Internet portal.  This system is intended solely for the use of authorized Officer of the Court personnel to retrieve and review court documents they are specifically authorized to review. All other use is expressly prohibited. System access credentials are provided by local court administrative personnel only. Requests for user accounts should be directed to local court administrators. Support requests and feedback should be directed to rms@vacourts.gov.

This service is a convenience and is therefore available ONLY to members in good standing of the Virginia State Bar. In order to access the system, you will be required to complete an application providing both a valid email address and your Virginia State Bar number.  The VSB number will be validated prior to authorization.  This service is available by annual subscription only and the pricing schedule is listed below.  As in our Secure Remote Access system, this addition is governed by the subscriber agreement.  Links to the Subscriber Agreement and Application are below.
Information available includes:

File TypeFrom Date
Bond Books1919
Civil Case Files1833
Criminal Case Files01/01/1996
Chancery Files 1833
Clerks Orders1904
Common Law Orders1833
Deeds and Land Records1784
Financing Statements 03/01/1993
General Miscellaneous 03/01/1993
Judgments 01/11/1990
Land Books1881
Marriage Licenses1927
Wills and Fiduciaries1894

Group 1 includes the following: $600.00 per year or $50.00 per month

    Everything except Criminal and Civil Case Files

Group 2 includes the following: $600.00 per year (only available as an annual subscription).

  • Criminal Case Files
  • Civil Case Files

All Group Access includes Groups 1, 2: $900.00 per year (only available as an annual subscription)

NPBA Members Group 2 Access: $192.00 per year (verification of NPBA membership required)

Remote Access Subscriber Agreement and Application

Officer of the Court Remote Access Site (Group 2)
Secure Remote Access Site (Group 1 Access)
Norfolk and Portsmouth Bar Association